
Lær, hvordan du passer på din livmoderhals sundhed

Learn how to take care of your cervix health

The cervix is ​​an important part of the female reproductive system. It is the opening between the uterus and the vagina and plays an important role in both reproduction and...

Learn how to take care of your cervix health

The cervix is ​​an important part of the female reproductive system. It is the opening between the uterus and the vagina and plays an important role in both reproduction and...

Kan en menstruationskop hjælpe dig med at slippe af med menstruationssmerter?

Can a menstrual cup help you get rid of period ...

Menstrual cups are menstrual care products that have gained a lot of popularity lately, mostly because of the unique benefits they offer women. Menstrual cups are made of very soft...

Can a menstrual cup help you get rid of period ...

Menstrual cups are menstrual care products that have gained a lot of popularity lately, mostly because of the unique benefits they offer women. Menstrual cups are made of very soft...

Alt, hvad du behøver at vide om menstruationskopper

Everything you need to know about menstrual cups

Why have menstrual cups become more popular in recent years? What is a menstrual cup made of and how can you identify a “quality” menstrual cup? What are Femi.eko cups...

Everything you need to know about menstrual cups

Why have menstrual cups become more popular in recent years? What is a menstrual cup made of and how can you identify a “quality” menstrual cup? What are Femi.eko cups...

Hvorfor får kvinder humørsvingninger under menstruation?

Why do women get mood swings during menstruation?

Some women say that during the premenstrual period they feel an increased sense of anger and irritation. Although PMS (premenstrual syndrome) has not been fully elucidated, it is believed that...

Why do women get mood swings during menstruation?

Some women say that during the premenstrual period they feel an increased sense of anger and irritation. Although PMS (premenstrual syndrome) has not been fully elucidated, it is believed that...

Top 15 grunde til menstruationstrusser

Top 15 reasons for period panties

Why you should have a pair of period panties too! Menstrual panties are the modern alternative to intimate care during menstruation. They are made of special textiles that are absorbent...

Top 15 reasons for period panties

Why you should have a pair of period panties too! Menstrual panties are the modern alternative to intimate care during menstruation. They are made of special textiles that are absorbent...

Hvad er genanvendelige bind?

What are reusable pads?

Here are the benefits of using reusable pads You may have heard of reusable pads, but you don't know exactly what they mean. Currently, many women are trying the new...

What are reusable pads?

Here are the benefits of using reusable pads You may have heard of reusable pads, but you don't know exactly what they mean. Currently, many women are trying the new...