
Understand the difference between the Pubic bon...

At Femi.Eko, we have received many messages from our customers who wonder why we choose to use the term "pubic bone" instead of "pubic bone" on our website and in...

Understand the difference between the Pubic bon...

At Femi.Eko, we have received many messages from our customers who wonder why we choose to use the term "pubic bone" instead of "pubic bone" on our website and in...

Vi har testet Femi.Eko® menstruationstrusser: Er de sikre og hygiejniske?

We have tested Femi.Eko® menstrual panties: are...

Femi.Eko® menstrual panties are documented to be safe against bacteria. Extensive tests have shown the antibacterial effectiveness of the absorbent layers against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Candida Albicans, even...

We have tested Femi.Eko® menstrual panties: are...

Femi.Eko® menstrual panties are documented to be safe against bacteria. Extensive tests have shown the antibacterial effectiveness of the absorbent layers against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Candida Albicans, even...

Kemikalier i tamponer

Chemicals in tampons

A recent study conducted by researchers at UC Berkeley has revealed the presence of toxic metals such as arsenic, cadmium and lead in various brands of sanitary napkins. These findings...

Chemicals in tampons

A recent study conducted by researchers at UC Berkeley has revealed the presence of toxic metals such as arsenic, cadmium and lead in various brands of sanitary napkins. These findings...

Menstruationsskiven – en nyskabelse inden for seksualitet, men også i befrugtningsprocessen? Hvad vi ved indtil videre

The menstrual disc – an innovation in sexuality...

Since 2021, since our sustainable menstrual product brand Femi.Eko was launched, we have shared with you and together embraced a new perspective on menstruation. No, menstruation is not about the...

The menstrual disc – an innovation in sexuality...

Since 2021, since our sustainable menstrual product brand Femi.Eko was launched, we have shared with you and together embraced a new perspective on menstruation. No, menstruation is not about the...

Fordelene ved FemiEko menstruationskoppen – 3 forskellige størrelser og 100% kompatibel med den kvindelige krop

The benefits of the FemiEko menstrual cup – 3 d...

The Femi.Eko menstrual cup is one of the reusable feminine hygiene products we're proud of, because once you use it and get used to it, you'll actually forget you're wearing...

The benefits of the FemiEko menstrual cup – 3 d...

The Femi.Eko menstrual cup is one of the reusable feminine hygiene products we're proud of, because once you use it and get used to it, you'll actually forget you're wearing...

Løsninger til menstruationssmerter: Sådan slipper du af med ubehag og har det godt under din menstruation

Solutions for period pain: How to get rid of di...

We are women, but we are different. Everyone knows their body, needs and desires, and since menstruation is part of our lives and should not be a taboo subject, we,...

Solutions for period pain: How to get rid of di...

We are women, but we are different. Everyone knows their body, needs and desires, and since menstruation is part of our lives and should not be a taboo subject, we,...